My Education
My journey into web development began with self-study. Despite managing other responsibilities, I dedicated myself to coding daily, immersing myself in manuals, articles, and official documentation.
After several months of persistent learning, I secured my first job, marking the beginning of an enriching chapter in my career.
As I delved deeper into the field, my knowledge flourished, and I evolved into a proficient developer within my domain. Complementing my practical experience, I furthered my education by enrolling in a specialized course:
2017 - 2018: Diploma, Technion Certified Web Developer, Tel Aviv
Completed a comprehensive Full Stack Development course covering HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, Angular, Node.js, MongoDB, MySQL, Git, and Express.js, among other technologies.
Attached is an illustration showcasing the primary technologies I mastered through self-study, formal education, and practical application.